Friday, February 3, 2012

Start With The Basics - Create A Program

Dear Athletes,

When entering into a fitness program it is important you don't rush into it, but rather build up your body.  This type of training is known as Periodization.

The first stage is known as the prepatory period, this phase is the longest and occurs when NO competition is taking place. In this period Endurance/Hypertrophy and Basic Strength are emphasized (this is what's going to give you a base for later progression). After basic strength the strength/power phase comes in.

Periodization Model for Strength Training:
Endurance/Hypertophy (H)
- increase lean body mass and endurance
- 1 to 6 weeks
- low intensity to moderate (50-75% 1RM)
- high volume (3-6 sets, 10-20 reps)

Basic Strength (BS)
- occurs in transition after Endurance/Hypertrophy
- increase strength of muscles essential to primary sport movement
- high intensity (80-90% 1RM)
- moderate volume (3-5 sets, 4-8 reps)

Strength/Power (SP)
- after basic strength phase
- first transition into competition mode
- high intensity (75-95% 1RM)
- low volume (3-5 sets, 2-5 reps)

Now that you are in tip top shape you are ready to peak during competition and or maintain what you have gained in the past 3-6 months.

Peak (P)
- very high intensity (> 93% 1RM)
- very low volume (1-3 sets, 1-3 reps)

- moderate intensity (80-85% 1RM)
- moderate volume  (2-3 sets, 6-8 reps)

After your season is done it is really important to actively rest (AR) for 1 week, meaning play other sports etc. to recuperate before you begin training again.

A sample year would look like this:
Postseason (May 26-August 18)
H - BS - H - BS

Off-Season (September 1-November 24)
H - BS - SP - P
Preseason (December 1 - February 16)
SP - P - AR - SP - P
In-season (February 23 - May 7)
Maintenance Phase

Hopefully with the information I have provided you, you will be able to adjust the year plan to accommodate your sport and you will see improvements in your performance!


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